Coca Cola online Earning Malaysia
Welcome everyone to join the group. Please abide by the group rules, communicate in a friendly manner in the group, and stay active in the group. The team will distribute benefits to users from time to time. You can set the group information to mute (please do not leave the group at will, leaving the group will be regarded as automatically leaving Coca-Cola Company)
Click and join app link
1. Click Recharge
2. Click [MRY]
3. Enter the recharge amount and click Recharge
4. Transfer to the corresponding bank account
(Please verify the name and number are correct before the transaction)
5. Enter the bank name of the bank you use for the transaction
6. Upload the receipt or receipt of the successful transaction
7. Click I PAYD
8.If you encounter any problem, please contact your instructor for help.
Coca-Cola Shared Self-Service Beverage Machine Equipment Rental Prices:
LV1 beverage machine: RM100
Hourly: RM0.24
Daily income: RM5.76
Monthly income: RM172.8
Annual income: RM2073.6
LV2 beverage machine: RM200
Hourly: RM0.48
Daily income: RM11.52
Monthly income: RM345.6
Annual income: RM4147.2
LV3 beverage machine: RM400
Hourly: RM0.96
Daily income: RM23.04
Monthly income: RM691.2
Annual income: RM8294.4
Coca Cola online Earning Malaysia
Reviewed by Fida hadi